Saturday, May 24, 2008

Active Weekend

When I was younger, without kids and dogs, my weekends were quieter. I could sleep late, watch any show I wanted, play computer games until all hours. I was free.
Now, I have to be up early, so the dog can go for her walk. I watch cartoons and kid-appropriate movies. (Can’t be scary. That just keeps kids awake). No more self-indulgent hours of computer games. I play board games with the kids and take a fair share of computer time.
I use to sit on the deck and listen to birds. Now I sit in the sun and fill up inflatable pools. I use to relax and read. Now I go on bike hikes with the scouts. I used to listen to rock music. Now I can sing all the lyrics to “Scooby Doo” and “My Gym Partner is a Monkey”. I used to be able to drive more than 30 minutes on a trip without stopping for a potty break.
I was free. Now I’m a captive slave. But a happy slave. My daughter’s playing in the pool. My son’s throwing a Frisbee, scoring point when he hits a target. My dog is laying by my feet and my wife is reading in the shade. I used to sit and watch the grass grow and that’s what I’m doing right now.
But it reminds me I have to mow it.