Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kirk to Enterprise. Come in Enterprise.

Remember Star Trek, the original generation? Remember all the neat gadgets? So, let's take a look and see what Star Trek gadgets exist now...

  1. Communicator. Hey, communicator, cell phone. Tomato, tomato.
  2. Tricorder. Have you seen the mini-laptop at costco? It's the size of a portable DVD player.
  3. Phaser. Stungun? Okay, that one's stretching it a bit far.
  4. Instant food production. Microwave. I know, the Next Generation had a really cool food replicator. But the original heated up food in a fast cooker. Remember Kirk lamenting that they had to have spam in the shape of a turkey.
  5. Flashdrives and floppy disks. What am I talking about? Don't you remember those little square things Spock plugged into the computers?
  6. Flat screen monitors. Hey, our's are even better than Kirk's.

Those who know me, e-mail me anything I've forgotten.

What am I still looking forward to?

  1. Transporter. I hate driving. Flying is worse. What a waste of time.
  2. Replicator. Make anything I want. Huh, the IRS will still find a way to tax it.
  3. No. Wait. Holo-suites. I want to fly in a spitfire over the english channel. I want to fight along side Robin Hood.

Hmmm, there's an idea for another blog. What movie would you want to play a part in, should it be replicated in on a holodeck?