Friday, October 5, 2007


Summer ended abruptly. It was really hot and sunny. Then, in two days, it's suddenly autumn. And you know what autumn brings...

Nice, hot soup. Breath puff-clouds in the morning. Sharp, crystal clear starry nights. Chasing the kids outside with warm jackets. Crunchy leaves. Blustery days. Soggy shoes. Hot apple pie. Cub Scout meetings. Pumpkin Pie. Selling popcorn for Cub Scouts. Sitting on the back porch with a hot cup of tea. Wearing a barn coat while walking the dog. Warming hands with a cup of coffee. Cuddling on the couch while watching TV. A warm cat on your lap. Putting up storm windows. Taking down table umbrellas. Warm sweaters. The smell of wood fires in the morning. The smell of cookies baking. Fresh bread with thick stews. Not washing cars. Not mowing lawns. Being indoors long enough to add something to your blog.

It's fall.