Saturday, September 26, 2009

Is it really only September?

I'm tired of working. I'm tired of school. I'm tired of fixing the house and the cars. I'm tired of volunteering. I'm tired of kids' parties. I'm tired of the cat peeing anywhere she wants to. I'm tired.

Okay, I got the rant done. What's the other part of the old saying. Let's see. "To rant and rave."

Um, how do you "rave"? Isn't raving, like, saying good things about someone? But, then again, there is such a thing as a "raving lunatic", Isn't there? Oh. So what I'm going right now is raving, right?

Or maybe rambling.

Well, time for work. Gotta hurry home after. I have a lot of homework tonight. I have my first mid-term this Thursday, and I'm still a week behind on my studies.

Oooo, am I raving yet?