Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Travel, School, Sickness

Wow. School starts tomorrow. (Well, for my kids, anyway. My university started a couple of weeks ago). Labor day weekend. The last few moments of fun before school starts. And, boy, did this one go out with a bang.
Saturday started off normal. The kids and I did some small repairs around the house. I baked a loaf of bread to surprise my wife when she got home from work. I was a little tired, due to the crazy driver roaming the streets the night before, blowing his horn madly at each intersection and then disappearing for an hour or so. The police cruiser trying to find him (or so I assumed) never did (far as I know). But, that's okay, I still had two more nights of the Labor Day weekend to catch up in sleep. The rest of Saturday went normal as well. Went to school for a couple of hours after my wife came home. Did some more work in the workshop (building a card holder out of spare wood) and then playing a board game with the kids. (During which, they bickered the whole time. I think it'll do them some good to be going back to school and being around more kids than just each other). Then into bed. Late, since I went back to school after the kids went to sleep. Around midnight. (At least once school starts, the kids will start going to sleep on time. Wow, where did that laugh come from?).
Sunday. We left really early in the morning to take the kids to Grandma's house. So, no sleep that night. The drive down was remarkable. Around Olympia we hit a massive downpour. The freeway slowed to 30 mph, visibility down to nothing. What a rush. Spent a wonderful day. The kids got to see Grandma while mom and dad went shopping at the outlet mall. My wife and I wandered through the Borst House. (If you've never been there, this is a great place to go. Click here to see someone else's experience and some pics from it).
We went back to Grandma's and all went out for dinner. Then we went back to Grandma's for a game of cards. (Hey, mom and dad get some time with Grandma too). The drive home that night was just as crazy as the drive there. Except it was late and dark. An adventure radio show put the kids to sleep, but kept us company all the way through the dark, awful squalls. We got home after midnight and were asleep by one. But that's okay. We had nothing going on the next day. We could sleep in and get caught up. Woohoo.
Sunday night was fraught with kids waking up from nightmares, needing water and who-knows-what-else. Broken sleep with sleeping in is still good. Monday morning, early Monday morning, we were awoken by the sounds of vomiting. A sick kid. Early in the morning. So much for sleeping in. Cleaning with bleary eyes is almost as good as sleeping. Yeeesh. Tired, tired, tired. Spent the day rearranging furniture. (The kids are getting their own rooms for the new school year, so the playrooom needs to be cleaned out). Moving furniture, cleaning the backyard, and all the rest of normal weekly chores, while taking care of sick kid and entertaining the now lonely bored other kid, while simultaniously going to school and every other possible problem. Sigh. Went to bed late.

Maybe I'll get some rest at work.